Great Game, Almost Perfect
Amazing game, probably the best in the series by far. The art work took a new spin, and is now more distinctually attractive, and is the best as far as game play. Truth is, I was tired of standing behind a wall from the last two games, and waiting for this one was hell. I actually got a chance to go on my computer, saw this, and instantly clicked on it. The only problems I seem to had (And this only occured with Very Hard Locks), occasionally, I would pick one of these locks, and it would show the things I could obtain from it, and disappear, and it wasn't to be found in my inventory. Another thing is the extra maps and accessories for the game. Having my friend bought it, I originally tried out the exclusive content on his file, and it was totally worth the couple of dollars it sells for. The items had you running around feeling like God, and the extra map was, all in all, fun and simple. The only thing I didn't like was I started a new game on my friends computer (w/ the DLC) and the game was instantly ruined. I would suggest leaving the extra stuff in your storage untill the middle or end of the game. When there is absolutley nothing to do, or you really don't feel like continuing the story, the DLC was a great time waster. Having time to actually start my own file and beat it on my computer, I was satisfied untill the ending. I will not spoil it, but in my opinion, the ending left me yearning. I would like the information of knowing that there will be a sequal now that the game is done, and I was left adrift (hint, hint). Well, at this point, it doesn't matter. Great post, and fun for a couple playthroughs. Consider making a Last Stand game for the IPod, or a Droid, since you refuse to make a console game. I would love to see that, and would pay, at most, $30 for any game from you. (That price is a bit ridiculous, and I am exaggerating, so please don't charge $30 for any games you create).
Thanks for the Play,