I absolutely love Zelda, and almost any dungeon crawler. As soon as I start this up, the controls remind me of Minish Cap. As I advance forward with the plot, obtaining the sword and shield, I become intrigued about this seed. But one fatal flaw the original Zelda game did have (which only added to lastibility because it was one of the first games of its kind) was no conveyance. It is a horrible flaw that you have tweaked to a better standard, but have not perfected it. In many ways, I would say this game is flawed due to that. I don't know where I'm going, who I am besides a child, what is so-called "good" or "evil." A prime example of the confusion of moral choice is the Witch. I talked to her, and she was speaking of a wand that she lost. My radar went off. 'Sidequest!' I thought. 'Maybe I can get something good out of this, or affect the whole game completely!' But I was confused as I didn't know how I would affect the game. Would it be a good choice getting someone's prized possession back, or so called "evil" if I helped a lone Witch, talking about trouble and toil. There should be a fine line between the choices you make and how they might affect the game.
Another flaw is the setting. I absolutely love the setting, its very original and pretty well crafted. Unfortunately, I cannot tell the difference between background, foreground, and higher platforms in dungeon rooms. And character speed is a bit much. There were times I found myself zipping along and entering a room or area where I would immediately land in water, or slide on ice into an enemy. Just frustrating things like that make the game as a whole lose playability, and over all ruin the "fun factors."
Finally, the story. I loved the story, but as I found myself attracted to the land, I began to lose sight of my original goal. And somethings confused me along my quest. 'What is this gold orb?' I wondered. Is it the seed? Is it an item I need to advance? Not knowing this worried me because I was scared I needed this vital instrument for a part of the game, or if it would ruin my moral path.
I would like to say this game is amazing, but the little things are making me look down upon it. The fast movement is too much for a game with small segments where you must carefully walk, the story is a jumble, and your objective is unclear. This game isn't bad, its just lacking in areas.
Thanks for the Post!